Friday 1 March 2013

A couple of Crystal edits!

From my photographs of my crystals, I decided to create a couple of edits using them in order to see how effective they were.
I created these angel wings from a necklace pendant, I lowered the saturation of the photo and then increased the contrast, this took away the silver jewellery look of the pendant. The pendant is only one angel wing so I had to duplicate and reverse the image in order to create the pair. I feel this effect works well and creates and more realistic pair of angel wings.
 This edit was created using an image which I took back in January during the snow, I changed the sharpness of the image in order to make the trees stand out from the white snowy back ground. The crystal angel which I layered over was originally red, but this didn't look right over the image, I decided to change the saturation of the image in order to take the colour away. I then changed the opacity of the image in order to layer it effectively over the trees. I feel this effect works well and the image looks quite mystical and magical.
I took a photo of an angel statue which I own, the image was quite plain at first with just the wood effect of the angel. I decided to alter the saturation, when I did this, the angel didn't quite stand out as much as I would have liked, for this reason, I altered the contrast of the image also. I then duplicated the image another two times and layered them over each other with varying opacity levels. I feel this image works well as it is quite dark and striking, it is eye catching. I like how I was able to change a simple, positive image into something so dark and different.
This image was created from the angel wings I created from the pendant. I am pleased with the outcome of this as I feel it is a very effective image in that it is quite unusual. Affirmations are very prevalent within the magical world today, this is why I decided to include the 'Spread you Wings' quote. I feel that affirmations are very important as they make people realise how there is still positivity in life and how it can still be applied in any situation. The image here was created by first making the purple marble type background, i then added in the wings as a new layer and changed the contrast of them and added a blue hue to them. I then outlined them with the dark purple using the airbrush setting and finished by smudging the layers outwards.

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