Friday 1 March 2013

Part 3 Proposal

I began Part 3 by creating my proposal for the project. At first I was unsure where to begin to look for ideas so I took to the popular website Pinterest. On here I was able to find all sorts of inspiration, I also decided to look back in my life over the last twelve months and find out what was important to me. The factor that stood out for me was paganism and practical magic. I find this is of interest to me as I feel it is something which I can really connect with, going through alot in my life, I sought to find something to believe in which could be constant in my life. I collect crystals and oracle cards so I felt this would be a good place to begin. With the basis that my project would be based on objects which I collect, I have also decided to base my project mostly around photography as I feel this would be the best way to incorporate objects and found items into my work.
   Once I had decided my topic matter and set my proposal, I began my research and brainstorming!

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