Friday 1 March 2013

Cat photo edits!

After the success of my cat makeup shots, I then decided to edit these in order to make the most of the images I had created. 
 I created this image by stripping the colour and then darkening the image. The distorted effect was created by duplicating the image and layering it over by changing the opacity. I feel this effect works well as it is a very dark image and the cross over of the eyes adds a very cat like effect.
 This image was created by changing the contrast of two images and then layering them over one another. The top image I altered to a very low opacity level in order to create the interesting effect of the layered images. I feel this works well as the top layer almost looks like wings have been layered over; this ties into my project very well.
 This image was created by layering two images again, the top layer has had the saturation completely stripped, the lower layer was created by adding a green hue to the image. The contrast has also been altered in order to bring the facial features out more. I feel this also works well as green is most commonly associated with magic. Most children's programs and indeed Harry Potter shows the use of green beams of light when magical spells are cast.
 These two images (above and below) were created again by layering the images, the contrast has been heavily altered in order to make the features stand out. I feel these two images are effective, however, being early edits, I'm not totally impressed by them as I'm not keen on the lines in the images where the layer cross over; I feel this is an editing technique which definitely needs further work on.
 The image below was again created by layering two images. I feel this works well as paganism and witchcraft heavily revolve around nature, the use of the trees in this picture reflects that. I decided to layer the image with the cat makeup over it because black cats are also associated with witches. I really like this image and feel it works incredibly well; it is effective as it layered really well and there are no visible lines in the layers.

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