Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Chakras also fall into the study of modern witchcraft and healing. The Seven chakras in our body are where the energy flows through. It is believed that blocked energy in any of the seven chakras can lead to illness. I believe chakras are an important part of everyday life as people often forget about taking care of their body throughout their busy schedules. The belief of chakras allows people to find inner peace with their body and to understand what's right and what isn't for it. Having clear chakras is believed to keep a clear perception on life and our surroundings.
This diagram shows where the chakras are located within the body, each different colour represents a different chakra, each chakra is believed to have a different purpose within the body.
Red: Root Chakra: This is believed to be at the base of the spine, and it is the centre for our survival issues such as; food, money and financial security.
Orange: Sacral Chakra: it is believed to be in the lower abdomen, this is the place where our sense of abundance, well being and pleasure is centred and dealt with.
Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra: is believed to be in the stomach area, it is our control centre for our self-confidence and self- esteem.
Green: Heart Chakra: is located within the chest, it controls our feelings of love and inner peace.
Blue: Throat Chakra: is located in the throat and is our ability to communicate and express the truth.
Lilac: Third Eye Chakra: is found in the forehead, between the eyes, it is believed to control our ability to focus and our perceptions of our surroundings.
Purple: Crown Chakra: is located at the very top of the head, it controls our feelings of sprituality and our connections with higher spirits. 

This image above shows the different symbols which are used to represent different chakras. From Left to Right: The Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Crown Chakra. 
I really like the structure of these symbols and I feel they could work really well within my photograph edits. I will move on to trying to include these symbols into my edits. 

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