Sunday 3 March 2013

Wiccan Symbols in Editing!

When researching Wiccan Symbols, I decided to add a few into my images whilst editing in order to see how they could work with the images.
 The image above was created through layering. The symbol used in this image is 'Hecate's Wheel', I chose this symbol as I thought it would fit best with this image. With the layering effect and changing opacity of the symbol I was able to line it up exactly where I wanted it. I feel this image works well as the symbol lines up perfectly with the background image.
 I used the 'Triquetra' symbol within this image, I also layered the symbol three times as it is all about the number three. The triquetra is commonly used within wicca and paganism and tends to represent the connection of the mind, body and soul. I feel this image works well as angels are often associated with good souls and people who lived wholesome lives.
 The symbol which I have layered over this photograph is the 'Triple Moon Symbol' represents new beginnings, the full moon in the centre represents the time when magic is at it's most powerful, the final meaning is banishing things away. I layered the symbol over the background image as I felt that it would create a striking outcome, I am very pleased with it and I feel it really stands out.
 This image above is my favourite with the use of the Wiccan symbols. I used the 'Pentagram or Pentacle' in order to create this image, the pentacle represents the four elements, air, fire, water and earth, it also includes the fifth element; spirit. I feel the three images layered together work really well, the star looks really good over the facial features as it fits with the dimensions of the face and features.

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